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Bonus Report is a bonus chapter of ReLIFE that wasn't published as a webcomic.


After signing up for the ReLIFE experiment, Arata starts to call his friends and family to let them know he'll be out of touch for a year. Then he asks Ryō for a pill to turn his body back to an adult...


  1. Kaizaki Arata
  2. Kaizaki's Mother (Over the phone)
  3. Yoake Ryō
  4. Amagase Kento


With still a month to go before the start of his ReLIFE Experiment, Arata contacts the people he knows to let them know they won’t be seeing him for a year. Arata tells his mother that he got a job, and as she wants to know more about it he just gives a vague explanation that it is something related to an experiment. He uses LIME to tell his friends, who are under the impression that he has a job in a company, that he is getting transferred. Upon hearing the news they want to organize a goodbye drinking party, but due to currently looking like a 17-year old, Arata refuses using an excuse. However, he feels a sting afterwards for not having many people to share the news with.

Despite being content to notify his mother and friends without seeing them in person, Arata feels that he has to do so when he quits his part-time job and asks Ryō for a pill to transform him to his real appearance. Upon receiving Ryō’s order in the laboratory Kento wonders why Ryō needs to return to his adult form to give Arata his pills. Ryō explains that he wants to see Arata’s surprised reaction when he sees him in class at the start of his ReLIFE, but more importantly Ryō wants Arata to be a little anxious about the experiment and knowing about his presence in the class might ruin it.

As Ryō is leaving the laboratory Kento inquires about how his subject has seemed so far. Ryō just tells him the experiment should be interesting, which he inwardly thinks is due to the contrast between Arata’s unrefined approach to work and his prosocial personality.


  • The bonus report for volume 1 is the only chapter without a proper title.
  • The events of this chapter took place on Saturday, March 2 in the story, on the same day but after Report 5.
  • The second half of this bonus report is covered in anime Episode 7.
  • While Kento Amagase debuted in this chapter, his name was not introduced until his second appearance in Report 113.

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ReLIFE Webcomic
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11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19
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29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34  •  35  •  36  •  37
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45  •  46  •  47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52
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61  •  62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68
Volume 5 69  •  70  •  71  •  72  •  73  •  74  •  75
76  •  77  •  78  •  79  •  80  •  81  •  82  •  83
Volume 6 84  •  85  •  86  •  87  •  88  •  89  •  90
91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95  •  96  •  97
Volume 7 98  •  99  •  100  •  101  •  102  •  103  •  104
105  •  106  •  107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111
Volume 8 112  •  113  •  114  •  115  •  116  •  117  •  118
119  •  120  •  121  •  122  •  123  •  124  •  125
Volume 9 126  •  127  •  128  •  129  •  130  •  131  •  132  •  133
134  •  135  •  136  •  137  •  138  •  139  •  140  •  141
Volume 10 142  •  143  •  144  •  145  •  146  •  147  •  148
149  •  150  •  151  •  152  •  153  •  154  •  155  •  156
Volume 11 157  •  158  •  159  •  160  •  161  •  162  •  163
164  •  165  •  166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170  •  171
Volume 12 172  •  173  •  174  •  175  •  176  •  177  •  178
179  •  180  •  181  •  182  •  183  •  184  •  185  •  186
Volume 13 187  •  188  •  189  •  190  •  191  •  192  •  193
194  •  195  •  196  •  197  •  198  •  199  •  200
Volume 14 201  •  202  •  203  •  204  •  205  •  206
207  •  208  •  209  •  200  •  211  •  212  •  213
Volume 15 214  •  215  •  216  •  217
218  •  219  •  220  •  221  •  222
Bonus Reports 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7
8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14